Volunteeers in Kithunthi and constructio of the new school

With the arrival of the architects volunteers, Monica and Arantxa, on 27/03/19 the works of constructing the first phase of the new school began by demolishing a part of the old building.

29/03/19: After tearing down the building, everything has to cleared for the new one.

01/04/19: The excavation begins for the foundations  of the first classrooms, on the other hand, after pulling down  the old building the stones are chosen to recycle  them for the base.

02/04/19: The works are at a good pace, the parents  are very committed, the excavation has begun and they are already finished, tomorrow will begin laying the foundations.

Construcció nova escola

05/04/19: Preparing the foundation, Monday we will start concrete, we’re working hard!

fonamentació 2

08/04/19:  We started the foundation and finished the same day. We worked till night time. Good work!

pujant parets

22/04/19: Moving forward!!! The walls of the five classrooms are rising up.

parets acabades

27/04/19: The classrooms have a shape now, all the walls have been built and we are about to fix the roof.

coberta 3

30/04/19: They have started with the roof.

coberta 2

2/05/19:  Installing the windows they are 5 per class so that there will a lot of light.

coberta 4

4/05/19: Iron sheet has been placed on the first 3 classrooms.

11 de maig

11/05/19: The roof of the remainig 2 classrooms has been placed.

13 de maig

13/05/19: The roof of the two classroom is already places and with that the roofing of the whole building!!!

School supplies

On 26//03/19 the nursery kids of Kithunthi Primary school received school supplies and learning toys.

Rebecca's visit

On September 29, at the Casal can Travi we had a talk with Mrs. Rebecca Mbithi, who is one of the beneficiaries of the projects in her village of Kithunthi. She told us first-hand about the collaboration  of Barcelona with Kithunthi and the benefit that different women groups are receiving. She expressed her joy, enthusiasm and gratitude.